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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/1/2014, 10:45 pm

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Endo woke up to his alarm clock. Was it Monday morning already? He thought as he grudgingly got out of bed. He went and turned on his coffee pot, letting the coffee brew while he showered before he headed off to class. He got out of the shower a few moments later. He decided on his black jeans, a dark grey button down long sleeve shirt, and a black and grey striped vest. He went into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee, sipping it slowly. He recounted the weekend's events. He had been at a club Saturday night. He remembered flirting with a couple of the girls and having a drink or two, but mostly his weekend was void. He finished his cup of coffee, grabbed his messenger bag and headed out, making his way to campus for his first class of the day. 

It was a peaceful morning. He was looking forward to his alchemy class and a new semester. 
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/5/2014, 1:25 pm

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Serenity "Sere" DeLune groaned as she was forced to get out of bed, seeing she would be late for yet another class.  It was just so hard to find the will to wake up nowadays.  She was always so busy, and homework and tests were starting to pull her down.  The stress and struggle of college life was even taking its toll on her sleeping habits, and she found herself sleepwalking and turning her alarm off every night.  

Sighing, she pulled on the outfit she had set out the previous night and left her small apartment.  The air was clear and the sun was bright, beating down on the sleepy adult as she rushed to her first class at Uni.  She realized she had forgotten to grab a cup of tea, but shoved that thought aside as she finally arrived at her destination.  "Here we go..." she coached herself, opening the door.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 10/7/2014, 7:25 am; edited 2 times in total
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/5/2014, 7:07 pm

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Endo would have to wait til the afternoon for his alchemy class. but made his way to the lecture hall building. He was looking forward to being a teacher's assistant this semester in the intro to English as Literature class. He loved to write and hoped he could be of help to the new students.  The professor had been one of the tougher ones, not to say he would not be tough on the student's writing, it had driven him to write some of his best pieces, but he wanted to ease the students stress in their writing.

He had just sat down in a seat on the side of the classroom, away from where the students were coming in and sitting down, where he had sat just a few months ago. He was looking over the students and saw a mix of ages and genders, but when she walked in he couldn't help but smile.

He noticed her unique hair style and thought to himself, my my my, won't you be fun to tease just a bit. He decided then and there, he would make an effort to "bump into" this blonde at some point in the day.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/5/2014, 9:35 pm

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Sere took a deep breath and opened the door, entering the classroom as cooly as possible.  She knew her hair was probably messy and that there were probably bags beneath her eyes, but she walked to her seat nonetheless, glad to see she had just barely made it to class on time.

As she walked, she felt as if someone was staring at her, examining her.  Her eyes flitted to the right, where she saw a man who looked like a teacher's assistant.  His hair was the color of coals, and his eyes were a deep, midnight blue.  The look on his face was apprehensive, almost amused, as if he were fascinated by something.  It was his eyes that were on her, and knowing that fact sent a shiver down the blonde's spine as she sat down.  Her best friend since junior high, Naru, was in the chair next to her, and Sere did not hesitate to start a conversation to distract herself from the gaze of the strange man.  

As the class started, the short-lived discomfort at the man's gaze faded away completely, and Usagi lost herself in her favorite subject.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 10/7/2014, 7:29 am; edited 2 times in total
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/5/2014, 10:47 pm

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Endo turned his attention away from the blonde to prepare for class to start. He got his notebook out, he was going to take notes, even though he had his notes from last semester, if there was any new content he wanted to have it. If he were to have to help his students, his own notes would be more reliable than a student's. The teacher walked in and introduced himself. He gave a brief introduction of Endo, and allowed him a moment to speak before beginning the lecture.

Endo made his way to the front of the room. He spoke in a suave and cool tone, "I am Mochizuki Endo, I will be here to help anyone proof read their papers, or any other class related topics. He wrote his email on the chalk board in case students wanted to get in touch with him.

The professor began lecturing and soon enough class was over. Endo loved working with literature again, but he was ready for another caffeine fix. Once class was over he made his way to the campus cafe, to get a cup of coffee before his next class.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/6/2014, 6:51 am

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Sere's attention wandered from the class every now and then, watching other students or examining their TA.  He was a rather strange character, in her opinion.  He looked like one of those jerks who played with girls and went clubbing every other night, but he acted like an intelligent, sophisticated young man who knew exactly where he was going in life.  Deciding she would ponder about him later, she forced herself to pay attention to their professor.  

The first class of the semester is always easy, and so the lesson wasn't very difficult.  According to the professor, they would be reading different forms of classic literature and comparing them.  

The class ended, and Sere decided to finally get her morning tea she had missed out on.  Not a fan of sweet or herbal tea, the blonde teen had a special fetish for fruity, savory tea.  Aware that her next class was in just a little while, she rushed to the nearest café to get what she desired.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 10/7/2014, 7:29 am; edited 2 times in total
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/6/2014, 11:19 am

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Endo walked into the cafe and ordered his coffee. He paid the barrista and went to sit while they made his coffee. He saw one of his buddies Andrew, so he decided to go and say hi to his long time friend. The two caught up. Andrew had done an internship in China over the summer and was telling Endo about what he did and what he learned when the barrista called Endo's name to inform him his coffee was ready.

Endo walked up to the counter and got his coffee, he smiled and gave the young barrista a wink. He watched as the young barrista blushed a bit before he went to take his seat and talk with Andrew a bit more before his next class. When Andrew asked what Endo had done over the summer, Endo told him he had mostly just been around Tokyo, he had taken some martial arts classes over the summer and had made it to the intermediate level of his classes and was working on moving up to the advanced level so he could assist in teaching some classes, he needed the extra money and thought it would be a good way to make some extra cash.

Endo left out his partying scenes from the summer, he had done far too much partying, and with little regrets, but wasn't up from a lecture from his friend about his life choices. 

He had been talking with Endo when he saw the cafe door open and a girl rush in, he noticed it was the girl from earlier, he couldn't miss her, with her unique hairstyle. He smiled to himself and thought for a moment of a way to bump into this blonde. He wasn't sure why he felt such a draw to her, to tease her, this wasn't normal for him, the girls had usually come to him, and yet here he was thinking of a sly way to bump into this girl.

Last edited by Mistress Moon on 10/6/2014, 11:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : making the text all the same color)
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/6/2014, 5:52 pm

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In desperate need for caffeine, Sere's exhausted legs rushed to the counter, where she ordered a blueberry pomegranate iced tea.  She retrieved her wallet and pulled out the money needed, handing to the blushing barista behind the counter.  Wondering why the young girl's cheeks were red, Sere rolled her eyes at her skittish behavior.  'Oh well," she thought, spinning around in her bar stool.  Despite being an adult, the desire to be a child never left Sere's personality.  Minutes later, her tea was placed in front of her and she snatched it up, turning to head outside to her next class.  She sipped at her cold beverage, closing her eyes in bliss as the sweet flavor awakened her taste buds.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 10/7/2014, 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/6/2014, 7:46 pm

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Endo finished his cup of coffee and said his goodbyes to Andrew. He made his way for the door, taking his time as he passed the blonde, getting one more look at her before he walked out the door. What is happening to me, why am I so drawn to this girl?  He thought as he walked to the other side of campus to the science building, where his alchemy class was at. He was looking forward to this class. Alchemy had always fascinated him and now he was going to learn more about the basic principles and theories.

He sat in the middle of the room, to better see and hear the lecture. He took meticulous notes, and made sure to write down to print out the power point, it would also be a good point for him to start doing some research on this topic. After class he went to sit under a big oak tree to have a quick smoke. He had some time to kill before his next class so he decided to take the bus to the local food market to grab a bite to eat before his next class.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/6/2014, 10:31 pm

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Sere froze when she noticed the man from class earlier walking out.  How could she not have noticed him when she walked in?  Shaking her head at herself, she followed him out, watching him head back towards campus.  Even from behind he looked handsome, she thought.

Shaking that thought from her head, she headed toward her fashion and textiles class, which was one she always looked forward to.  Although somewhat clumsy, Sere was great at concentrating on something she really wanted.  Since the fashion industry was so high on her list of ambitions, she was actually able to succeed in that course.  

As an intro to the next semester, their instructor taught them about identifying fake fabrics from real fabrics, and why its important to know the pros and cons of both.  After taking notes and testing her skills, Sere left the class and exited the building.  Her next class wasn't for a few hours, and so she decided to walk around campus and find a nice spot to study for her calculus pre-test.  

After some exploration, she found a nice tree on campus that provided a great deal of shade.  With what remained of her tea in hand, Sere plopped onto the grass and pulled her calculus textbook out of her bag.  Before taking the time to flip through it, she gazed out at
the beautiful pond in front of her.  Ducks were swimming across the surface as the sun reflected on the water, creating a beautiful, peaceful scene.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 10/7/2014, 7:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/6/2014, 11:15 pm

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Endo decided to eat at the grill at the food court, he ordered the chicken teriyaki bowl with brown rice and vegetables. He also ordered a bottle of sparkling water. He sat by the window as he ate his lunch, watching the people pass him by. He ate his lunch silently, he was deep in thought. He was recounting the past week's events and knew it would be a matter of time before.....whatever that girl's name was he met at the club would call him. I really have to stop giving them my number, he thought as he finished his lunch.

He wondered what the scene would be like this weekend, would it be worth his time, or should he go check out something different. There was a festival going on in Nagasaki, and he could afford some time away. He made a mental note to look into the festival. 

Soon enough he was back on campus, he had about 20 minutes before his next class, Philosophy, this was a class he could either grow to really like or it would be one to put him to sleep, but it was part of the general education classes and he figured he would get it out of the way now, rather than later. Class went by fast enough, and Endo was considering switching classes to something at the time slot, something that happened occasionally, but he would probably stick it out in the end.

He was done with classes for the day and decided to head to the gym to get a short work out in before his martial arts class.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/7/2014, 10:14 am

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Satisfied with her studying, Sere put her book away and decided to get to her next class, martial arts, early.  Being early was better than being late, which was a common thing for her.  She gathered her things and made her way to the location of the class, smiling as she passed other people.  She wondered how her parents and little brother were doing back home, and if they missed her.  She missed them, that was for sure.  She had been feeling a bit of withdrawal lately.  The university she was attending was quite a ways away from her home, and it was rare that she had enough time to go back and visit.  Not only that, but she hadn't had a boyfriend since Seiya back in highschool.  They dated for four years, and then decided to break up when they graduated.  Long-distance relationships were not in Sere's interest.  Naru was practically her only friend at Uni, but there were others she had made acquaintances with.
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/7/2014, 6:12 pm

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Endo decided to do a mile run on the treadmill and some weight lifting before he went to his tae kwon do class. He had  been taking karate and tae kwon do lessons for almost a year and was very close to moving up to the next belt level. He walked into the martial arts studio feeling confident about the practice he would get in today.

He noticed a lot of new faces, no doubt many freshmen and transfer students who wanted to learn one of the arts he had grown to love so well. One face stood out to him, he could see her on the other side of the studio, you have got to be kidding me, this is the third time I have seen this girl today he thought, as he chuckled to himself. He decided to hold of on going over and saying hello for now. He wanted to focus on his class and the opponents he would face. He saw Andrew warming up and decided to go over and say hello before the training began.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/7/2014, 9:32 pm

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Her daydreaming and sidetracking caused Sere not to arrive early, but to arrive right on time.  "Oh well, better than being late, I guess," she thought, walking over to place her bag on the side of the room with everyone else.  There were quite a few people in the class, but not many that Usagi recognized.  All of these students had different colored belts, but none with the beginner's white belt Usagi held in her hands, along with the rest of her martial arts uniform.  With a sigh, she headed towards the girls changing room, where she quickly put on the white martial arts uniform and headed back out.  

The first person she saw upon reentering the main room was the man from her English class.  She froze, wondering why he was in yet another class of hers.  How many times was she going to run into him in one day?  She hoped he wouldn't talk to her...she always got nervous when talking to men.  She just wanted to get this class over with and get out of there.
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Mistress Moon
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Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/7/2014, 10:43 pm

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Endo noticed the blonde girl, she was a beginner, he reminisced those days, but was glad he got through them. Endo had been training hard and would be testing for his next belt level in about a week, and if he succeeded would earn the first level blue belt. He could tell she was nervous a bit, just by her body language. He wasn't sure what made him so compelled to go and speak to her. He walked up to her and spoke, keeping his tone cool, but also with a hint of friendliness, he had been in her shoes before and wanted for reasons he wasn't sure of for her to not feel so nervous about the class.

"The first class is always the hardest, but you'll get the hang of it, like anything it takes time." After he gave her what he thought was some encouraging words he turned to go to his training session, still baffled at why he even spoke to her in the first place.

Am I losing my touch? He thought as he stepped onto the training mat.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/8/2014, 10:12 am

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Sere jumped when the ebony-haired man approached her, speaking words that didn't comprehend in her mind until seconds after he spoke.  She stumbled to revover, smiling and quickly bowing in respect.  "I intend to do my best, thank you," she said.  His words of encouragement warmed her body, sending a light ripple of adoration through her.  It was nice knowing that someone cared enough to go out of their way to encourage her.  The fact that he was extremely cute was just an added bonus.

She stood in the back with the other beginners, watching as the class began.
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Mistress Moon
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Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/8/2014, 10:43 pm

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Endo worked through his training, taking his time with the new movements and techniques he was learning. This was not a form of exercise/ rejuvenation that could be rushed. He had to perfect the moves and the techniques, that and knock a series of opponents out of the ring in order to obtain his next belt. He worked hard, and beat two of his opponents by the time practice was over.

Endo made his way to the other side of the room where his bag was, he grabbed his bag, towel, and water. Sipping his water to calm his thirst. He wiped the sweat off his forehead as he walked out of the training room and towards the locker room. He rinsed off in the shower before going for a quick swim. He found that going for a swim after his training sessions helped loosen him up from his training.

After his swim he got out of the pool, dried off, put on his clothes and made his way home, where he could shower in peace.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/9/2014, 6:29 am

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After watching a few of the more experienced students demonstrate a few basic moves, Sere and the other beginners were split into groups to practice together. Blocking and delivering a confident blow were the main focuses of that day's lesson, and for Sere, it wasn't all that difficult. She had had lots of practice blocking incoming blows from her many years of fighting with her younger brother.

When the class ended, Sere quickly changed into her regular clothes and headed towards the bookstore downtown. The university she attended wasn't too far away from the main section of the city, so it was only a fifteen minute walk. The sun was beginning to fall lower and lower in the sky as she walked, hoping that the bookstore was still open.

Thankfully, it was, and she was able to buy all of the books she needed for that semester's literature curriculum. Now completely broke of that week's savings, Sere walked back home, feeling the familiar chill of night cause goosebumps to rise on her skin. Wrapping her arms around herself as the bag of books swung from her wrist, Sere kept walking, her fear of darkness kicking in. Being alone in the dark was definitely not on her top ten lists of things she loved to do. She needed to buy a car, especially since she had finally gotten enough money in her savings account, but there just hadn't been time for it.

Thinking about what kinds of predators were lurking outside, Sere forced herself to look forward and walk faster, even though the temperature was dropping and the light around her was fading. 'I hate walking,' she thought to herself.
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Mistress Moon
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Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/9/2014, 11:59 am

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Endo made his way home, it was a clear night. It made him feel very calm, but it also made him want to go out on the town, but that would have to wait til Friday. He was hoping he could convince Andrew to come with him. They could have some good times together, but lately Andrew hadn't been up for the club scene and so Endo went alone, which also was okay as he almost always met a girl he could swoon.

Endo arrived at his apartment and placed his bag down before he went to take a shower. After his shower, he decided to make some dinner. He looked in his cupboard and saw he was just about out of food, time to go grocery shopping again he thought as he pulled the last bit of his rice off the shelf. He cooked the rice with some vegetables and heated up some left over chicken from a couple nights ago.

Before he began working on his homework, he walked out onto his balcony to gaze at the night sky, he always loved seeing the stars and the moon, even as a kid, it was something that made him feel at peace. He was so lost in thought and didn't notice his thoughts wander to the girl he had seen all day. He came back to reality quickly,  get it together Endo, he thought as he walked back into his apartment to begin his homework.

Maybe I will ask her to coffee....he thought as he opened his alchemy book.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/9/2014, 9:44 pm

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After what seemed like forever, Sere arrived at her small, modest apartment. After taking her shoes off and showering, she sat down to watch some TV. Because she couldn't cook to save her life, Sere had to order takeout practically every night. It was a miracle she didn't weigh three hundred pounds, but thanks to her mother, she was blessed with high metabolism.

It didn't take long for her stomach to fill and her eyelids to get heavy. Without bothering to clean up the mess her food had created, she snuggled deeper into her couch and fell into a deep, dream-filled sleep.
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Mistress Moon
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Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/9/2014, 10:57 pm

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Endo worked late into the night, he got wrapped up in his alchemy reading. Most would find it boring, but he found it fascinating. His phone had gone off a couple of times, some girl asking why he hadn't called, another wanting to meet up, but he ignored all the texts and kept working. 

At about 1 AM Endo closed his book and made his way to his bed. He fell onto his bed into a deep sleep 

The next morning Endo woke up to get ready for his day. He had a shift at the campus diner, he didn't like his job but it paid the bills. He would be working the afternoon shift, which meant it would be busier than in the morning. He had two classes: Statistics and an International Studies course. Endo was hoping to study aborad at some point and hoped this class would help him get there.
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/10/2014, 1:59 am

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Sere's eyes opened around 11:00 in the morning after a disturbing dream about her literature professor ruptured her peaceful sleep. She didn't have any classes until three, so she took her time getting ready for the day. After a quick shower and some extra special pancakes (the frozen kind, duh), Usagi locked her apartment and left for the day. She contemplated going to get a car, but was too afraid to go by herself, so she went to the cafe instead. Her daily tea had to be collected, of course.

Deciding to experiment with mango pineapple tea, Sere spotted some of her friends sitting at a table together. She joined them, smiling as they were gracious to accept her at their table. Although Sere didn't have any close friends, she had many that she could easily spend time with.

"Have you heard about Endo?" one girl said, leaning forward slightly.

Sere's eyebrow arched in curiosity. "Who's that?" she asked.

All the girls at the table gasped, looking at Sere with incredulity. "He's like, the number one hot guy and player here," one whispered, triggering an eruption of nods and murmurs. "Naru said you guys had English Lit with him."

Sere placed a finger on her chin, looking up at the ceiling as she thought if there were any cute guys in her lit class. The only one she could think of was the guy who was staring at her when she walked in.

"Wait, does he take martial arts?" Sere asked.

The third girl at their table nodded and said, "Sure does, and he's really good."

Sere's eyes widened. She had no idea he had such a strange reputation. Desiring to know more, she paused to accept her tea and pay the waitress before asking, "How do you guys know about him?"

The girl who originally started the conversation scoffed. "Everyone knows about Endo. He's gone out with practically half of the girls here. Plus, he goes to parties all of the time. But rumor has it, he's really smart."

Sere nodded, stirring her tea with her finger. "I would watch out, Sere," a different girl said. "You're exactly the type of girl Endo would go after. Cute, innocent, smart, adorable little freshman. Watch your back, kiddo."

Feeling uneasy after hearing all of that gossip, Sere said goodbye to her friends and left. It was almost time for her calculus class at that point, so she headed on over to the main building of the university. She couldn't get the words of her friends out of her head.

'Watch your back, kiddo.'
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/10/2014, 2:34 pm

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Endo had just left his last class for the day. He had time to grab a quick bite to eat before work. He decided to go to the other dining area on campus and order a wrap.  He sat down with his lunch and pulled out the newspaper he had bought earlier. He was reading about a local crime that had finally been solved. He had been following the case from the beginning, when he was still in high school and now all was said and done, the suspect had indeed embezzled money from the Diet.

Endo finished his lunch and made his way to his shift at the grill. On the way he saw the girl from his literature class again. Only this time she looked a little lost, like she was trying to find something...probably trying to find one of her classes,  he thought as he casually approached her and asked, "which building are you looking for?"
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Miss Moon Rose
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Miss Moon Rose

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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/12/2014, 12:25 pm

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Sere milled about for a while, starting to panic as she forgot which part of campus her math class was.  With a groan, she continued walking, only seeming to get more lost.  

She jumped when someone came up behind her.  A small yelp escaped her lips as she spun, ready to defend herself when her eyes landed on the man from her english and martial arts classes.  The man that seemed to be...everywhere.  Taking a short deep breath, Sere said, "I...I'm not exactly sure..." she said, fumbling for her schedule.  She glanced at it and looked up at him.  "I thought it was the main building...but I guess I was wrong.  Mrs...Kishinuma?"

She bit her lip, the words of her friends running through her mind.  He didn't seem like he had any flirtatious or suspicious attempts for her, but you never knew with guys that had his reputation.
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Mistress Moon
Golden Dream Mirror
Mistress Moon

Posts : 339
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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: Shadows    Shadows   Empty10/12/2014, 3:57 pm

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Endo could since this girls slight nerves. He couldn't tell whether it was because he was there or that she thought she was lost. He decided to amuse himself for a moment. He walked over to her, standing slighly to the side and behind her. He looked at her schedule. He reached his arm over her shoulder as he pointed to the classroom. it was in Naraghi hall, not the main building. He chuckled, he had made that mistake on the first day a year ago. The school really should make these darn schedules easier to read.

He spoke over her shoulder, "I see what happened," he placed one hand on the other side of her map to turn it so it would reflect their location  and his other hand lightly brushed hers as he continued to give her directions. "The building you are looking for is right over here." He said as he pointed to it on the map. "If you walk straight until you see the foutain and then make a left there, keep following the sidewalk and it will be a blue building, the third one i believe on your left, but you'd better hurry, that professor is a stickler for students who arrive late." he said in a casual yet cool tone.

He turned to head off to work, leaving her where she stood.
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